Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Isaac's trip to Ying Ge

Ying Ge was a fun trip.

Our first stop was the Ying Ge Ceramics Museum. We got to make ceramic art. I made a tiger candle holder. It had lots of stripes and a long tail. I must wait a month for them to mail it to me because it needs to first be baked in an oven.

After we finished, we headed into the Ceramic Park. There was a nice pond and lots of ceramic art -- mostly benches. We walked all over the park and took lots of pictures.

Afterward, we went to Ying Ge Lao Jie (Old Street). There was a brick road that wasn't supposed to have cars on it, but, of course, it was like a freeway. Between dodging cars and scaring my father in shops filled with ceramics, I found a new treat. I had a small pancake-like ball filled with strawberry. It was called a strawberry egg cake.

Finally, we made our way back home on the bus.