Friday, August 6, 2010

Ting-Ting's Day At The Zoo

Hi! My name is Ting-Ting, as you know.

Today we went to the Taipei Zoo, where there are a lot of animals. First, we went to the flamingoes part.

Do you know that flamingoes twist their necks and go to sleep? And they can even stand on one leg!

Next, we went to the deer enclosure. The deer were very beautiful, with white spots on them. Finally,we went to the insectarium. We saw lots of butterflies and bugs. I thought the bugs were yucky, but they still looked cool. Today was a good day.

Sabrina's Trip to Mucha Zoo

Wow! I saw a flamingo use his head to scratch his body. "Kawaii!" I wanted to jump down and hug the black bear, because he was a baby black bear. The deer were eating grass from the ground. I saw a male next to a female. Now, it was black, as we were in Conservation Corridor, ow! ow! The owl sat on a tree. On the MRT, I saw a crazy old woman, who said, "Don't talk loud." I hate her entire life.

Sandra's Day At The Zoo

Today we went to the Taipei Zoo. We went by MRT. There were people selling interesting things, like walking panda dolls, and flying fake parrots. I didn't buy anything. I didn't want to spend my money on toys. The flamingo section was what we saw first. They were balancing on one leg, they were sleeping. We saw the deer next. Their antlers stood grandly on their heads. We saw a black bear baby who was playing with a log. Then we went to an insectarium, and saw a butterfly with a broken wing. I felt cruel for not helping it. I hope the animals will be safe at the zoo, and not die of fake nature.

Stacy at the Zoo

Today, we went to Taipei Mucha Zoo. We saw many animals, which was so "kawaii". First, I saw the flamingoes, which use one leg to stand on when they are sleeping. Next I saw the deer, which were so pretty. They had white spots on them. Then I saw the butterflies. One of the butterflies' wings was broken, so when we saw it, we all thought it was so poor, but we couldn't feed it. Finally, we went to see the monkeys, which can jump from tree to tree. I really like Taipei Mucha Zoo.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ting-Ting went to Pingsi

Sausage Store
Hi! I am Ting-Ting, I’m in the New Blue Team, as you know.
Yesterday was a good day, but the best part was the Sausage Store. The Sausage Store’s sausages were very good!
They were made from pork, and one sausage needed to cook for forty minutes! So we stood there for thirty minutes.
For hungry me, thirty minutes was a long time, but when I bit into the sausage, all my hunger disappeared. That sausage was so great that I suggest that you go to Pingsi to eat one yourself.

Stacy at Pingsi

Wild Dog
On Wednesday, I went to Pingsi.There were train tracks there, so we went over them. There was a mountain, so we climbed the mountain. We found a rest area, which had a wild dog which looked like a hungry person. We all used our cookies to feed the wild dog. The wild dog ate so much and it looked so happy. Then we gave the wild dog some water, but it didn’t drink. I put some cookies in the water and the dog saw them. It went to drink it, so we all saw him drink the water. Soon we needed to go. Sandra and I wanted to stay and feed it some more, but we couldn’t. So we went home.

Sandra at Pingsi

A Day at Pingsi
Yesterday was not as interesting as Ilan. Pingsi was beautiful, but it was quite boring. We went to the Coal Museum first. We saw how workers mined, dug, and drilled, and how unhealthy and dangerous it was to work so deep underground. Upstairs we saw a magnificent gallery of bird photos. After that we went to Jingtong. We waited at the bench for the train. A wild dag ran by. It looked at me, wagging its tail, and sniffing my empty apple juice carton. I threw the carton and shouted"Fetch!" The dog immediately ran over to the carton, picked it up and ran back to me. We fed him cookies which he wolfed down. It was like he hadn't eat for a month. The train came, but after 5 minutes, we had to get off the train. We went to the Pingsi Old Street. Some stores were selling bubbles. I bought two. Yesterday wasn't fun, but interesting.

Sabrina and the wild dog at Pingsi

The Wild Dog on the Mountain
Yeaterday, we went to a low mountain, where there was a wild dog which ran to everyone. We fed it cookies and water. I think this wild dog had no food to eat, so he ate very fast. We played with him. I wish I could take the wild dog home, but I know my mom would say no. Then it was time to say goodbye! I fed another piece of cookie to the wild dog, and ran away because I was scared he would come home with me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stacy Goes To Ilan

Hi! My name is Stacy. I am in the New Blue Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to The Center for Traditional Arts in Ilan. I really enjoyed the flute shop. Inside, there were many flutes. I heard someone blowing a flute, and the sound that flute made was good. I saw a duck flute, which was big and could be blown, but it needed a large person to blow it, because it was very heavy. Sandra bought a turtle flute. It was so cute. I really liked the flute shop. I hope I can go to The Center for Traditional Arts flute shop again.

Sandra went to Ilan

Glass Making
Hi! My name is Sandra. I am in the New Blue Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to the Center for Traditional Arts in Ilan. I really liked the glass making shop. Of course it was only one of the little shops that I went to but I liked it the best. Everything in there was made of pure glass, and everything was made by a teenage boy sitting behind a desk, not far from the door. I walked over and saw that he had a pile of glass sticks beside him, of all colors and lengths. He was taking a stick and melting it over a flame, then placing it neatly on a glass swan. But then he started to talk, and talk, and talk. He talked so much that he never seemed to stop. I can’t imagine that all the little things in the shop were made by this talkative guy.

Sabrina went to Ilan

Clay Modeling
Hi! My name is Sabrina. I am in the New Blue Team, of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to in the Ilan Center for Traditional Arts. I really enjoyed the clay modeling shop. There were many clay models that people had made, like Zodiac patterns. I felt the clay models were cute. But we couldn’t take pictures, so Stacy just took one picture. I wanted to take one home but my mom said I couldn’t buy one. Sandra bought one. Yesterday was good.

Ting-Ting in a Traditional Shop

The Making Glass Shop
Hi! My name is Ting-Ting. I am in the New Blue Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to the The Ilan Center for Traditional Arts.
I really enjoyed the blowing glass shop. Inside, I saw a guy pick up a piece of glass and heat it in a flame, and it melted! Then he just twisted it and it turned into a shape! But just then the guy’s phone rang, and he talked for so long that Sandra asked me, ”Do we need to listen to him for this long?” Then the guy said, “You don’t have to look at me.”
Because this guy was so rude, we went to the next shop.
But I thought the shop was great, except for that guy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Carol's tripe to Taipei City Hall

Today werode the MRT to Taipei City Hall . First we went tothe 4th FL . It was all about old Taipei . It had a fake temple with fortune papers . It was fun ! Then we went to the 3th FL . It was about Taipei now . There was a running machine there . That was fun , too !I hope I can go there again !!

Austin's trip to Taipei City Hall

Isaac learns about Taipei

Today I went to Taipei City Hall. There is a museum there all about Taipei called Discover Taipei.

On the top floor there was lots of information about Taipei a long time ago. I saw pictures of the old city wall and from when the Japanese soldiers controlled the city. A long time ago Taipei was nothing but fields. I couldn't believe it.

The other floor was all about Taipei now and the city's different streets and sections. They also had a cool video monopoly-type game. You had to press a button and it would roll dice for you and you would see a video about different areas of Taipei. There was also a model of Taipei 101. It was so big.

We went to City Hall on the MRT. It was fun, but it took a long time. We had to change trains halfway there.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sabrina trip to Yingge

We went to Yingge Ceramics museum It was funny.Downstairs we made He made many Ceramics . There was an artist named Jimmy.We made a candle.I made a cat,and Carol made a dog. She said her dog looked like a mouse .My hands were messy. Everybody's were messy!Next we went to a park to eat lunch .Then we went to Laojie .I saw three owls , a small fountain and then we came back.

Isaac's trip to Ying Ge

Ying Ge was a fun trip.

Our first stop was the Ying Ge Ceramics Museum. We got to make ceramic art. I made a tiger candle holder. It had lots of stripes and a long tail. I must wait a month for them to mail it to me because it needs to first be baked in an oven.

After we finished, we headed into the Ceramic Park. There was a nice pond and lots of ceramic art -- mostly benches. We walked all over the park and took lots of pictures.

Afterward, we went to Ying Ge Lao Jie (Old Street). There was a brick road that wasn't supposed to have cars on it, but, of course, it was like a freeway. Between dodging cars and scaring my father in shops filled with ceramics, I found a new treat. I had a small pancake-like ball filled with strawberry. It was called a strawberry egg cake.

Finally, we made our way back home on the bus.

Carol's YingGe Trip

Yesterday I went to Yingge Ceramics museum to make a Craft Project . I made a dog wind chime . We saw a man called Jimmy . He made many sculptures . When we left , my wind chime fell . Iwas mad because someone had pushed me , so my little dog fell .
Then we went to Ceramics park to find five pictures , but when I finished the first one Ididn't want to anymore . The paper was like tissue . Then we went to Yingge Lao jie .
Finally we went to yingge Lao Jie to buy something to eat . First we saw an oven tunnel . It was old and dark . Then we saw a cute ceramic dog . Last we went back to Chuck .

Austin's YingGe Trip

Yesterday we went to YingGe Ceramics Museum. In side the museum,there were many beautiful ceramics.I made a cat candle,out of clay it had a long tail handle and six stripes, I got dirty hands. It was fun.Next we went to Ceramics Park.We made five rubbings.I also saw many colorful mosaics on ceramics chair s.It was nice,Finally, we went to YingGeLaoJie (old street).We went into the Oven tunnel wasn't scared. On the old street ,I saw many old houses and shops. In YingGe I took a lot of pictures and learnd a lot about Ceramics.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sabrina goes to San Zhi

I went to SanZhi. It was fun.

I went to the Puppet Museum first. There was a picture of Li Tian Lu, many cute lions, and puppets. I couldn't take pictures there, but teacher said OK, so I took some.

Next I went to the Sea Shell Temple. It was beautiful. There were people praying, a puffer fish, turtle, shark and fruit. This fruit could not be eaten, though. This fruit was to give to heaven.

Next, I went to the windmills. I saw flowers and windmills. Carol threw up her fruits and vegetables.

The fountain and bridge were fun. The wheels of the fountain go round and round, but they are slow. The bridge was scary. I was scared I would fall down. I could only walk because it was raining.

The beach was beautiful, too. There were many sea shells. I could see the sea through a small cave.

Carol goes to San Zhi

Yesterday we went to San Zhi . First we went to the puppet museum . There were many puppets that were beautiful . There was also a lot of music that we could play . Li Tian lu is dead , but there are many people who know him .

Second , we went to the Sea Shell Temple . we ate lunch there . Someone didn't eat it and found it in her bag the next day . after lunch we went in a tunnel many times because it was fun . There several dead animals like sharks , turtles , puffer fish and a crocodile .

Next we went to see windmills . I threw up then I ran back to find everyone . I saw the windmills up close . Then we walked back to the bus . I saw many beautiful flowers .

Then we went to a little park with a bridge and a fountain . It was raining . I thought there was only one wheel , but the fountian had three . I walked over the brige . It was very beautiful down beloe .

Finally we went to the beach . We saw many sea shells , so I picked some up . It was so different , so I took it home . It was fun , but I don't like to ride in the bus for so long . I slept in the car yesterday . It was very fun!!!

Isaac goes to San Zhi

Puppet Museum
I saw a lot of puppets and little TVs showing puppet shows. My favorite was the monkey puppet playing guitar. I also got to go behind a puppet stage and see how they put on a show.

Sea Shell Temple
The whole temple was made out of shells. It was cool. I got to go inside a little tunnel with even more shells and things to see. I threw some coins in the water to make a wish at the temple. I saw lots of people praying and they gave out free lunches.

They were so big. We got to get really close and when you looked up at it it looked like it would fall off and cut off your head! It was by the ocean and the weather was pretty cold!

Stone Arch
We got to go down to the beach. I threw lots of stones in the water. That was lots of fun. There was some glass in the sand so we had to be careful. It was starting to rain so we couldn't spend too much time there.